This week – commencing 6th February 2023 for anyone reading this not immediately after it’s been posted – marks National Apprenticeship week in the UK. According to the NAW website, this is “an opportunity for the education and skills sector to celebrate the achievements of apprentices around the country and the positive impact they make to communities, businesses, and the wider economy.”
So, as an organisation with a proud and very successful history of taking on apprentices, it would be remiss of us not to take this opportunity to shine a light on why this may well be an excellent choice for anyone considering it as a pathway – either from an employer’s perspective, or a prospective apprentice’s.
What’s in it for the employer?
In Portsmouth Aviation’s experience, and looking at the national data this is by no means unique, apprenticeships can aid staff retention – those who serve an apprenticeship are traditionally more loyal to their respective company. Another positive is that apprenticeships help to ensure tacit knowledge (things that are difficult to express in words like insight or experience) gets passed down to new generations of employees. In most industries, however much can be taught from a textbook or in a classroom, there really is no replacement for learning with real-world, hands-on experience. Apprenticeships can also raise a company’s profile in the local area and the industry as a whole, and more specifically to Portsmouth Aviation, they have created a positive long-term development in collaboration with PETA, the local training provider.
What’s in it for the apprentice?
The biggest selling point for most apprentices is the opportunity to learn a new skill, or hone an existing one, with hands-on training from experienced experts whilst simultaneously earning a wage – and with a recognised qualification to show for it at the end. In many industries, an apprenticeship is considered the preferred method of entry; it’s seen as important to “do your time” in order to get a qualification. For those who already have industry experience, a degree apprenticeship is a useful opportunity to progress your career or upskill, again while still receiving a wage.
Are there any drawbacks?
Historically, one issue with apprenticeships is that learners are expected to choose their pathways from the outset – this can lead to issues with retention if people realise part-way through a course that this career path is actually not well suited to them. Portsmouth Aviation has addressed this issue by bringing in potential apprentices well in advance of the official start of their course to provide experience in a range of areas and departments. This ensures maximum understanding of what each role and each apprenticeship course will entail, enabling people to make a far more informed decision about which apprenticeship route to follow – if, indeed, they still feel that an apprenticeship is for them.
A word from HR Manager, Paul Newell
“Portsmouth Aviation has employed apprentices for many years and we pride ourselves on the opportunities we offer those who are keen to embark on a career with us as an apprentice in collaboration with PETA, the training provider. Passing on skills and knowledge to the next generation is vital to maintain the standards, reputation, and continued longevity of the company.”
Could an apprenticeship with Portsmouth Aviation be the best next step for you? Take a look here or contact us to find out more!